Author Archives: Max Bikes

LORE Previews the Next Technical Leap in Cycling: The LoreOne Custom Road Shoe.

  We are delighted to be working with Lore the latest revolution in cycling shoes. LORE Previews the Next Technical Leap in Cycling: The LoreOne Custom Road Shoe   The world’s first 3D printed hard-shelled shoe Leading team reinvents performance cycling shoes Pre-orders commence April 2021 on New York, New York (February 18, 2021) […]

Keith Jepson Poems.

Hello, Welcome to my Poems page Regularly updated with a collection of poems I have written over the last 3-4 years. I have been writing poetry for many years and have selected these poems from my recent collection. Each poem has a title and a theme based on an experience in my life and commentary […]

Keith Jepson Artwork.

    I have been painting contemporary landscapes inspired by Shropshire and the places I visit, for a number of years. Having trained in Fine Art, History of Art and Philosophy at the University of Reading, it has always been important for me to draw and paint my surroundings. My influences are varied and include […]

Content management, PR and Marketing offer!

We have some amazing pr, marketing and content management packages available currently. Drop us a line to connect with new and existing customers! #marketing #pr #socialmedia #contentmarketing #contentmanagement

Interview on BBC Radio Shropshire for Cycle to Work Day 2020. I was interviewed on the BBC Radio Shropshire Breakfast Show this morning…talking about all things cycling, cycling advocacy and Cycle To Work Day…Follow the link to listen in. Thanks #cycling #shrewsbury #shropshire #cyclinglife Take part in the UK’s biggest cycle commuting event Cycle to Work Day is for absolutely everyone. It doesn’t matter if […]

Guided Cycle Rides And Coaching For New Cyclists!

Are you a new cyclist or returning to cycling after years in the car?  Our qualified cycle coaches are offering guided cycle rides for groups, individuals and families aimed at showing you fun, exciting and varied ways of getting out of town on a cycling adventure, whatever your experience. We will show you how to ride in traffic, how to respect other […]