Author Archives: Max Bikes

Max Bikes PR Ltd launches Shop Buddy!

Max Bikes PR launches retail-facing consultancy service To offer advice on branding, product placement, graphics, website layout and social media… Max Bikes PR has launched a retail-facing consultancy service that aims to offer advice on branding, product placement, graphics, website layout and social media. Keith Jepson of Max Bikes PR said: “We have been visiting […]

7 Day Cyclist review the Vel Waterproof Saddle Pack!

Saddle-bag or wedge-pack, VEL’s waterproof version is a neat and tidy take on a popular bit of gear. Workmanship is good and capacity is decent for a day ride. Generally a likeable addition to anyone’s outfit, with, in my opinion, one niggle. Pros: genuinely waterproof. Cons: no light loop. Conclusion A genuinely waterproof wedge-pack for most saddles, […]

Rehook 1st look on Off Road CC!

The bike tool you didn’t know you needed but now you want – Rehook replaces dropped chains… Rehook replaces chains minus mucky hands! A problem we truthfully hadn’t realised existed until we saw the launch of this product, the Rehook is a tool that is designed solely to refit your chain when it drops off the crankset. Thinking […]

Pearson Cycles, All Mod Cons featured on Grit CX.

Pearson Cycles might be a new brand to you, but it isn’t a new brand in cycling. In fact, Pearson opened its first store back in 1860 and has been recognised by the Guinness Book of Records as the worlds oldest cycling business. As well as keeping a couple of shops running, Pearson has a small […]

Shrewsbury High Prep School Year 8 Work Placement Photo Shoot.

Recently Will and Gabriel from Year 8 @ Shrewsbury High Prep School joined Max Bikes PR Ltd on their work placement. They went out on a photo shoot with the latest VEL Fluro Race Cages to learn about images, social media posting and branding. The VEL cages looked awesome in the sun along the Severn… […]

MBR advise on the best Kona for you!

NEED HELP CHOOSING A KONA? MBR IS HERE TO HELP! The folks at MBR UK have created a super comprehensive guide to help buyers choose a Kona. Hardtail? XC bike? Trail? Gravity? There are a lot to choose from and picking the one bike you need can be overwhelming. Their advice is to think about the kind […]